Best chess tactics trainer
Best chess tactics trainer

His focus is the construction of small plans that allow one side to create the play. He explains how he approaches endgame positions. Hawkings focuses on the thinking process instead. The main value of From Amateur to IM is lack of technicality – the number of theoretical positions is minimal. In the meantime – in 2012 – he wrote the book in which he summarized his experience. (You can check his rating progress on his FIDE profile) Later, in 2014, he also became a Grandmaster. He also scored three IM norms on the way and in 2010, he became an International Master. The result? In just two years Hawkings increased his rating to 2410. It also felt as if my better understanding helped me to assimilate more knowledge.“ This is what led to my biggest improvement. I filled notebook after notebook with endgame analysis. I actually made some improvement in playing strength with this rather artificial method of study.Īt some point though, this all changed and I became addicted to studying the endgame. So openings were my topic of study and I could memorize opening theory with no problem. Ever since I learned the game I could recall all of my games – and the games of others – easily. „I always had quite a strong memory for chess. He identified key concepts of studying the last phase of the game and developed several methods allowing him to do it with maximum efficiency. He devised a thorough training plan based on – the endgame. By his own admission, he didn’t work seriously on chess up to that point. At the end of 2007 (when he was 24), his rating sat at 2232. However, for a long time, he never reached master level. Hawkings started playing chess as a kid – at the age of eight. English Grandmaster Jonathan Hawkings is a more outstanding example. We have already mentioned Andrzej Krzywda, Polish CM who made his first IM norm at the age of 38. In the world of chess, stories of teens/adults who made a significant breakthrough later in life are rare. Jonathan Hawkings – From Amateur to IM: Proven Ideas And Training Methods So without further ado, allow us to present you with a list of best chess training books.Ĭhess training Bibles. In our choice, we have tried focusing on authors who have either made a serious (and rapid) progress themselves, or gained international recognition as strong players, trainers and authors. Those who dare venture to write them usually know what they are talking about. And experience in improving – either yourself or your pupils.īut it makes them so much more valuable. They require deep knowledge of chess and psychology. Mainly because they are much more difficult to write. Sure, these books are not as common as opening volumes or endgame manuals. In this post, we have assembled a list of best chess books devoted to this particular area. And tried to guide the reader toward creating an effective training regiment. Creating the most efficient training regiment completely on your own is difficult indeed.īecause many renowned chess authors have devoted entire books to the topic of chess improvement. He helps you detect the best way of improving your chess. This is why many chess players, like Andrzej Krzywda, find the role of a good trainer crucial. To ask such a general question ‘what is better, this or that’ is just the wrong approach.” People are very different and there are many ways to success. “In some questions, people ask to get some concrete recommendations – at this level what should I do, at this level what should I do, this or that. Even the world’s most famous coach – Mark Dvoretsky – admitted in an interview chess training is highly individual: What works for some players might be catastrophic for others. There is no such things as an universal approach. Partly the problem is that there is no magic formula for chess improvement. If we can devote only a limited time to our ancient game. If our daily hours are preoccupied with other endeavors. Especially if we are not chess professionals. How much time we should devote to a certain aspect of chess training. 3īut most of us don’t know how exactly to implement them. Oh sure, we all know some general principles.

#Best chess tactics trainer professional#

Whether we are talking about a 1200 player hoping to jump rapidly to 1900, a 2500 Grandmaster pondering if he should go professional or become someone’s second or a 2150 Candidate master not making progress for a while 2,we have all asked ourselves the question: „What is the best way of getting better at chess?“ At some point in their career, 1all chess players start racking their brains over the topic of chess improvement.

Best chess tactics trainer